Monday, April 6, 2009

We're crawling!!!!

Okay, not really. But I'm sure I got your hopes up for a minute. Freddie still has no interest in crawling but Jesse keeps insisting we try. Last night Freddie was put on the floor and we wouldn't pick him up. After 15 minutes, this is the end result:

Totally effective, right?


Kate said...

Freddie is just smart. Napping is better than crawling.

Rachel said...

K--I want his pj's. SO cute!

Anonymous said...

what's the rush? man he looks comfy

ashley said...

He would crawl if his mother would stop sabotaging his efforts! ha he's so cute!

Kristen said...

Hey, they're way easy until they can move around by themselves! And Rachel, the jammies are just from Target. Go get some!